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Laser lights for measuring


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  • Laser lights for measuring

    Has anyone used one of those laser lights that shine a beam of red light in a straight line? I'm going to stripe a wall and am not a fan of using the chalk line and thought this might work. I would still tape it off, but use the laser line as my point of reference. Thanks.


  • #2
    You can't beat a laser level. Contractors use one which sets up in the middle of a room and rotates a laser bean with internal mirrors giving a perfectly level line all around the room. Thing to watch for is NEVER look at the beam. It is intense red in color and you could burn your cornea.


    • #3
      My only problem with a laser is trying to remember how we got along without them. With a laser i can do pipe layouts in minutes that used to take hours to figure out.

      As was statd before, one should never look directly at a laser because it can damage your eye. To prevent that and make it even easier to see the laser line, you can buy a pair of red "Laser"safety glasses at Lowes or home depot for about $7. That way you are killing two birds with one stone, the best state of tha art layout tool, and encouraging the use of safety glasses on the job. Where is the down side in that?


      • #4
        Well our painting job is done and the laser level worked great. I have only one comment though. How can you possibly use this without looking at the laser beam? We directed it across the wall and then taped it, but you can't possibly tape it without looking at the beam shinning on the wall. I guess the glasses would be the answer.



        • #5
          The line on the wall wouldn't harm you because it is constantly pulsating as the laser tube rotates. Looking in to the unit woild be harmful.


          • #6
            Looking at the red line on a wall, floor or other surface is not a problme. Technically speaking a source of light if fed into a laser, which then perfectly alligns all the energy in one finite direction, once it hits an object it is scattered and has basically the same effect on the eye as a normal light.


            • #7
              Thanks HayZee and Lazypup! I feel better and now know the difference.



              • #8
                Laura,,think of laser light in the same way we think of sunlight, we certainly wouldnt want to stare directly at the sun but we all use and enjoy the benefit of sunlight in our daily lives.

