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Plastering over new paint


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  • Plastering over new paint

    I just put up new drywall, plastered the joints and sanded them down. I put on one coat of primer last night and to my horror this morning i noticed that you can see where the drywall meets htere is a shadow. Can i plaster over the paint. What do i need to do.


  • #2
    I wouldn't do anything for at least another 48hrs. You paint is a liquid and the rate of saturation is different on the sheetrock than it is on the plastered joints. The shadows you are seeing is most likely resulting from uneven drying and once the wall has had time to thoroughly dry at all points the shadows should not be noticeable.


    • #3
      After I prime a fresh drywall job I do a final inspection of joints and nail/screws. Inevitablly imperfections will show up. I then lightly sand the area, wipe it down and repair. You must re-prime the repaired area before final paint. Another thing I do before priming is wipe down the drywall with a vinegar/water solution (1 cup of vinegar to 1 gallon of warm water) Drywall and joint compound are alkaline and the acidity of the vinegar cleans the dust off and hardens the joint compound, also you can use this solution to claean th dust off of you.



      • #4
        drywall primer

        What you describe sounds normal, new drywall & compound is very absorbent. Most drywall primers don't "hide" well, but are meant to seal the surface so the topcoat goes on evenly. If you need to fix anything, or apply more compound, the primer should not make any difference. Any new repairs will need to be re-primed anyway, so just apply a second coat of primer over the surface after any final repairs or sanding, and before you apply the actual paint.

