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Textured Wall Protection from Recliner


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  • Textured Wall Protection from Recliner

    I have a wall hugger recliner that most of the time works just fine but over a period of time it scoots backwards and eventually when the chair is reclined, it damages the wall.. As hard as we try to watch it, the wall eventually damaged and I again have to retexture and paint the damaged area.. I am looking for ideas or products to install on the area of the wall that is always being damaged.. I have seen walls with a wood trim from the floor up about 3 ft but this is more than I want.. Ideas or product recommendations please..

  • #2
    first let's address the chair. does the chair have casters underneath? if you place a padded length of furring strip between the chair leg(s) to where it meets the wall, the chair won't slip back. the strips will protect the baseboard with the padded feature. then you can re-finish the wall and not have the problem again.


    • #3
      I use Prime-Line Wall Protector outside to keep scratches from my door key from scratching the wall of the door jam, it solved the problem and stuck very well and still holds in very cold weather, rainy, snowy, and windy, weather. you can also use it on the wall to protect from the recliner and also read these instructions about recline use. I read in reviews that the product prevents wall dents when opening a kitchen cabinet or doorway.

