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Whar sand blastiing media should i use


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  • Whar sand blastiing media should i use

    I have a handrail that runs the length of Our steps that i will remove surface rust prime and paint. I dont want to kill the blue rug juniper on either side and of course we somestimes walk barefoot.

    soda i hear is bad for plants.

    not sure of impact of al oxide, crushed glass , sand, slag , and so on.

    will the glass beads leave minute piece of glass every where.

    also, i will be blasting small sections at a time and would rather just sweep up what i can.
    It\'s sometimes better to be lucky than smart.

  • #2
    When you’re getting ready to tackle the rust removal on your handrail, it’s a good idea to think about how the blasting might affect your surroundings and safety. Sandblasting and similar methods can be pretty messy, potentially affecting your blue rug junipers and making things tricky underfoot. If you’re looking for a cleaner option, glass beads or aluminum oxide might be better. Glass beads are less dusty, though they can still leave tiny glass bits that might be a concern if you’re walking around barefoot. Aluminum oxide works well but can also be a bit messy. Crushed glass and slag are alternatives, with crushed glass being a bit gentler on plants, though it can still be sharp.

    To protect your junipers and keep things tidy, try covering them with plastic sheeting or a drop cloth before you start. Working in small sections will help you manage the mess better, and be sure to sweep up the debris as you go. A vacuum designed for outdoor use can make clean-up easier. Lightly watering the area before you begin can help keep dust down, but don’t overdo it to avoid soggy soil. Wearing protective footwear can also help keep your feet safe from any stray debris. By taking these steps, you can handle the rust removal with minimal fuss and keep your space clean and safe.

