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Stump Removal


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  • Stump Removal

    I would like to get rid of a tree stump that is starting to rot and is just a couple feet from the house, I guess mainly because I'm afraid it will start getting a lot of insects. It is too close to the walkway to have it pulled out. I have a container of Hi-Yield Stump Remover which contains potassium nitrite. You're supposed to drill holes down into the stump, 12” deep, then additional holes 3” down from the top of the stump, connecting with the bottoms of the other holes, then pour the stuff in.

    I'm just afraid that rainwater or something will cause some of the stuff to splash on the house, and then the house will begin rotting. What do you think?


  • #2

    hire a tree surgeon company and have them grind it out. they have a machine that gouges out the wood fibers which you can fill in with topsoil.


    • #3
      Stump Removal

      Originally posted by HayZee518 View Post
      hire a tree surgeon company and have them grind it out. they have a machine that gouges out the wood fibers which you can fill in with topsoil.
      Thank you, HayZee but can they do that when it's right up against a concrete walkway?


      • #4

        the grinder is a unit that is under a carriage with an engine atop a rail . the whole thing is on a trailer of two wheels which straddle the stump. In operation the grinder spins at a fast rate and hydraulics move the carriage from side to side and the depth is hydraulically controlled. It chews up whatever is in its path. I wouldn't worry about your sidewalk. Contact them and speak with them.


        • #5
          I have a large oak tree stump to remove 48"x 30", it sits in the middle of a new drive way. I need to drop the grade in the area about 27" around the stump .
          I was thinking i could dig around it and see if i could pop it out with my 8000lb EX but i don't want to break any thing or wast a day digging when i need a larger machine for Hobart tree services.
          I could rent a 12000lb ex for a day or have a friend dig the job for me with a large JD hoe .
          Ive dug some stumps before but this one is much larger .
          Thanks in advance for the help​

