I have a 9 year old manufactured home that has a low pitch roof with composite roofing material installed... This year I noticed that areas moss were staring to form all over the roof.. I went up and removed what I could and decided to deal with it later as it was cold and raining.. Before I waste any money and effort I have several questions... (1) Is this something that can be taken care of effectively by a home owner and if so, what do I use? (2) What is the best time of the year to take moss removal/prevention measures or (3) is it best to call a professional and have them deal with it and is it costly? Any suggestions, comments or thoughts would be appreciated...
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Moss on Roof - Pacific Northwest
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found this when your thread opened..
Roof Moss, Easy Moss Scraper attachment for a Leaf Blower Electric carIs it beer thirty??
You most definitely need to take some kind of action, the growing moss will shorten your roof life dramatically, let alone the moisture problems it also creates.
Spring to late spring is a good time to clean off your roof, as it's warmer and the warmer it gets the less likely the moss will return quickly.
As for how to clean it off, Java bob's link had a handy tool that scraps the mold off and fitted to a blower then sends the moss to the neighbors yard.
Simply put you could get up there with a small spatula plastic or steel just be really careful when stabbing the roof material with anything sharp. After you have cleaned it of a mixture of 1:4 bleach and water respectively applied with a $10 garden spray bottle over the effected (entire) area will kill off the remaining growth. You can buy all sorts of mold removers for shingles and the like but effectively they are bleach based and can cost almost as much as a GM bailout package.
Zinc strips attached to the upper sections of the roof help control this sort of thing on a more day to day basis, as rain hits the zinc it carries down the roof, trace amounts of minerals that kill mold, mildew, moss etc...
Hope this helps you !Little about a lot and a lot about a little.
Every day is a learning day.