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Novice and proud of it


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  • Novice and proud of it

    Okay, so here I am out on the farm. Neighbor comes over the other day and says, "Well...are you gonna put in a garden this year?" (wasn't here last spring) I said, "Uh, yeah, I was planning to do a raised bed right over..." "NO. We're gonna plow. Pick yerself out a place and I'll be back tomorrow with the tractor."

    Well, not wanting to argue with logic, or my cute Italian neighbor, I picked a spot and "policed" the area. I didn't really want anything huge, as I've never had a garden before and I know I'll be overwhelmed.

    He comes by and says that the spot I've got picked out is fine...he started plowing and now its a good four times the size I'd planned. Oh well. Guess I'll plant some of LP's specialty corn. I wasn't going to do corn at all, but...

    So, my question is...

    Do you plant in the furroughs or on top? Or is it a bit of both depending on the crop? I hear I don't have to worry about watering (if last year's rain and thunderstorms every afternoon were any indication, I'm inclined to agree) and the soil looks really good because that's where the cow barn used to be.

    Why does the theme to "Green Acres" keep looping through my head? [:I]

  • #2
    The big garden.

    Do you plant in the furroughs or on top? Or is it a bit of both depending on the crop?
    On top is best. Plant all sorts of stuff, seeds are cheap. Flowers here and there are fun and will not need much work. That "raised bed" is a great way to go, and you could put it where the soil was plowed.

    Remember, mulch, mulch, mulch!


    • #3
      Moon...Plowing is only the first step in soil preparation. After its plowed you allow it to dry a few days then disc it down smooth. Talk to your neighbor, i am sure they are planning to disc it for you, they just didnt tell you that when they finished the plowing.

      My little garden is only going to be 25 acres this year.
      Last edited by LazyPup; 02-20-2006, 09:23 AM.

