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What w98 software do I need?


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  • pushkins
    Let me clarify the illegal part, your right it's not illegal to sell, but it must be licensed software, in other words first time use, not borrowed from a mate of a mate of a mate who all installed in on their PC's. Your right I doubt MS would even really care about W98.

    Keep searching around I'm sure there's a free download out there somewhere.
    Amazon have it (licensed) for $30

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  • ba_50
    It is still a good computer and I only need a word processor. I was told it was a gray area by this company and it must have worked for them. If it is illegal, there is a lot of software for sale out there. I doubt if MS is going to worry about some obsolete software. I'd like to see if I could re-install it just for kicks.

    With all the computer corruption from the net, I guess I'm tired of buying computers so someone else can mess them up. The library will do for now.

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  • pushkins
    Wow 98, they are about to release Windows 8.

    Try here for help>>> download windows 98 : information: news, videos, photos and comments about download windows 98 from the best web sites and blogs

    Problem will be 1. It's illegal to download other than from windows (which will make you buy it) and I think it's a void system now, not available for download.
    2. It's so antiquated why would you want it you can buy W7 for under $100 (

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  • ba_50
    started a topic What w98 software do I need?

    What w98 software do I need?

    This computer started out with W95 and upgraded to 98. It is corrupted and needs 98 re-installed. What do I need. No software came with it. Thanks.