Today I saw something that made me wonder... I was at a school where they were putting big window A/C units in some of the classrooms. I noticed that the contractor had 2 of these units sitting in the hallway waiting for installation sitting on its front (condensor DOWN!) Therefore the compressor MUST be on its side right??? I was always told that you are NEVER to flip a compressor on its side or upside down as some of the referigerant oil used to lube the compressor could find its way into the referigerant lines or certan parts of the compressor where it could do damage...
Is this correct or not? I am just trying to cover our butts because if these next pair of units don't start or scatter a compressor they will be saying "the electricians did it"!!!
Is this correct or not? I am just trying to cover our butts because if these next pair of units don't start or scatter a compressor they will be saying "the electricians did it"!!!