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Noisy Supply Register


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  • Noisy Supply Register

    I have a noisy louvered register in my great room that is attached to a large supply duct. The duct is short and close to the furnace and the air handler. The register which is vertically mounted at about 10'-0" A.F.F. sort of rattles and buzzes when the air handler is going. Any recommendations to reduce the noise?

  • #2
    Air, like all fluids will take the path of least resistance. This register is close to the airhandler and offers the first point of discharge, therefore the least resistance. The noise is then being caused by an excessive velocity of air discharging from this register.

    There should be a balancing damper on the duct from the main trunk to the register. Closing that damper slightly will throttle the air flow to permit a balanced pressure between the register and the main trunk downstream from that point. If you have no balancing damper you can close the register down a bit to reduce the airflow, but that may result in a higher velocity of discharge which would cause a vibration and whistling effect.


    • #3
      Thanks, Lazypup. The system is under warranty, so I should be able to get the contractor back to adjust the damper . . . assuming there is one. If not, the duct definitely needs one!


      • #4
        This is a common follow up on new installations so you should have no problem getting it corrected by your installer.

        If there is not a throttling damper on that run, it is a very simple operation to install one. I am attaching an illustration of the damper and method of installing it.


        • #5
          Some registers can set up and it resonates as the air moves over them .Some times just bend the blades in it just a little will stop it from making a noise.


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