Hi Everyone,
I did some digging around the forum before posting here. Just enough it seems to discover that an E-15 refers to a low voltage condition. I am a ham radio operator here in Northern NY so I know a little about electricity. Our group installed a Monitor 2400 that was donated to heat an 880 sq ft comms building. it has operated for the last 2 months without incident. Today we opened the building up to find a very cold E-15 beeping in the corner. I could understand an E-13 or 14 since we did not perform any pre-season conditioning of the unit prior to installation, so I am naturally perplexed. Please allow me to be the first (?) in the blog to ask specifically what conditions would prompt this specific code to appear. As for what we are doing in the meantime, the unit has been unplugged for the day (propane kicked in to prevent frozen pipes) in an effort to clear the memory from lockout.
Thank you all in advance,
I did some digging around the forum before posting here. Just enough it seems to discover that an E-15 refers to a low voltage condition. I am a ham radio operator here in Northern NY so I know a little about electricity. Our group installed a Monitor 2400 that was donated to heat an 880 sq ft comms building. it has operated for the last 2 months without incident. Today we opened the building up to find a very cold E-15 beeping in the corner. I could understand an E-13 or 14 since we did not perform any pre-season conditioning of the unit prior to installation, so I am naturally perplexed. Please allow me to be the first (?) in the blog to ask specifically what conditions would prompt this specific code to appear. As for what we are doing in the meantime, the unit has been unplugged for the day (propane kicked in to prevent frozen pipes) in an effort to clear the memory from lockout.
Thank you all in advance,
