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monitor 2400 fuel pump


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  • monitor 2400 fuel pump

    is there a test procedure for the fuel pump.And what voltage does it use?

  • #2
    pump test?

    the fuel pump operates off a pulsating controller on the motherboard. the pump itself is a TAISAN solenoid pump. as far as testing the pump, either it works or it doesn't.
    the controller turns it on and turns it off. a spring inside resets the solenoid. it is basically a hollow sleeve with a very small check valve, sort of like a flapper on a manual water pump. the sleeve goes down with the flapper open and on the way up closes, forcing fuel into the capillary tube. down open, up closed, down open, up closed. etc.
    on the old system, the input to the controller was 120 volts. I doubt that it is the full 120 volts on the pump. I do know there is a current dropping resistor inline with one solenoid lead.


    • #3
      M2400 fuel pump test

      You can test the fuel pump by removing the fuel line from the pot. Do this when the pot is cold. Try to start the stove and see if fuel comes out the fuel line. If it does not come out and you have a thumping noise you have a fuel problem. No fuel and no thumping you have a pump, circuit board or air safety problem (blocked air or exhaust).

      The voltage is a pulsing voltage. You need to have a High Impedance meter to read it. The resistance of the solenoid pump is 565 OHMs. There is a resistor on the solenoid pump that you need to bypass in order to read the correct resistance.

      Is your stove not working? Do you get an error message, i.e. E13, E14?



      • #4
        more 2400 problem

        My unit was used 4-5 years then sat for 2. Moved furnace to new location and will not start.

        Error code after a few seconds[6-8] Code 15. Installed a new pump and still no fuel from line that I dissconnected from burner itself. No noise from pump either. Should I be looking at the body the pump sets in?


        • #5

          Was just told by Monitor parts dealer that it would take 3 and a half minutes before fuel pump will kick in to even see if that is the problem. Mine is kicking off after 6-8 seconds.Now I am cornfused


          • #6

            the fuel pump turns on ONLY after all the safety devices are closed. If there's air flow, this switch closes to let the pump operate. The igniter is on the instant the heater is turned on to preheat the combustion chamber. Once the fuel hits the igniter, there is a flame. Then, the flamerod is activated to detect a flame. no fuel, no flame, system locks out.
            There is a three minute purge cycle before it fires.


            • #7
              M2400 E15 code

              If you have an error code of E15 you have some kind of voltage problem. Either from the socket or the Power Detector Circuit on the main board. Measure the voltage at the socket, if it is OK then you have a main circuit board problem. Tom


              • #8
                We checked voltage at socket and is ok. Support at where I bought the pump said same am looking at main board. I donated this furnace to our Ruritans club and neither of us have the funds for a new board. I just don't understand how the board could go bad sitting in my basement for couple years unless got bumped in moving it. Thanks for the help...not sure what we will do now.


                • #9
                  main circuit board repair

                  You can have the board repaired at Mathis Electronics in North Carolina. They work on all Monitor board and are very affordable. Tom


                  • #10
                    problem found

                    Mathis in N Carolina was another big help! After a close look found where a mouse had chewed on the transformer on the board. A known problem according to Mathis. Shipping the board off and hope this fixes it. Thanks for the help.

