I have a Monitor 2400 that has been in use for about 7 years. A few days ago we received the E-14 error and instead of checking the code we assumed we were out of fuel and had the tank filled. Not so.... We still had about 100 gallons. We fired it up and it ran for about 40 minutes and then we got the E-13 error. We cleaned the flamerod and the filter in the sump tank and installed a new filter at the fuel tank. We pressed the fuel level control reset button "thingy" and fired it back up. Now we're getting E-14 again. ??????
The exhaust smells pretty bad when it does run and it blows a lot of black soot chunks when the burner extinguishes and shuts down.
I'm afraid to take the firebox apart because I don't have any spare gaskets. It could be a bad burner cloth, but I'm afraid to look with no new gaskets to put on.
Any ideas?
I'm also having a hard time finding a source for parts.
I'm freezing my patootie here!
The exhaust smells pretty bad when it does run and it blows a lot of black soot chunks when the burner extinguishes and shuts down.

Any ideas?

I'm freezing my patootie here!