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Monitor heater


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  • Monitor heater

    I have an older model 40 Monitor heater. Soon after start up the sightglass becomes sooted over and the unit goes out. I have cleaned the unit several times and have replaced the burner mat. I do not believe it is an air issue. The burner pot seems to be somewhat out of round but not bad. The flame inside the burner is yellow and seems to burn across the burner pot. Could the pot be my trouble? I have cleaned the fuel system as well.

  • #2
    a yellow flame is almost always insufficient burner air. that and the combination the burner holes are plugged. if the burner ring is out of round, this will also contribute to a bad flame. you say the burner pot is out of round - it needs to be replaced.


    • #3
      I have had the pot out and cleaned all holes. I also blew in more air while heater was burning. The flame did not change. The fresh air fan sounds good and there are no restrictions in the piping or in the heat exchanger. I feel like the only thing left that is the burner ring. It is distorted so I'm going to replace it. Thanks for info.


      • #4
        Monitor 41 heater


        You are kidding yourself if you think you can replace one part on a Monitor 41 and have it run like new. A Monitor 41 could be 25 years old. That unit needs a complete overhaul. Before you do any work on the unit you should confirm the fuel pump is within spec. To do that you will need a flame sensor by pass so you can run the unit and confirm the fuel flow. Then you will need a burner cloth, burner ring, any gasket you touch, remove the heat exchanger and tap out all the carbon. After all that has been done you can plan on changing the blower motor bearing and replacing the “O” ring on the damper. Because all the electrical on a Monitor 41 is very hard to find you must confirm the pump before you spent a lot of money on an older heater. Doing it yourself might be worthwhile. Having this done in a shop is out of the question. The parts alone will be $400, if you don’t need a pump and controller.

        Good luck with your project,


