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monitor 441 Sooting up, stops starting


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  • monitor 441 Sooting up, stops starting

    my 441 is at least 6 years old. 2 months ago the stove would not start and a technician replaced the "burner cap". The round dome thing. It worked fine for about 4 weeks. Then would not keep running. The inspection window was sooted over solid and it quit all together. Another tech visit, he cleaned all the black soot from burner, rod, inside chamber, and window. It worked fine except for a yellow flame. When it kicked into "high" the flame was a more normal blue. 2 to 3 hours later the window was black again. Obviously sooting up again. It ran fine like that for another 2 weeks I had it set at 60 last night and it quit during the night and would not start this AM. I removed the large "door", cleaned all the soot I could on the dome, in the chamber, the window, and cleaned the rod, buttoned it up and it fired up with a yellow flame, It did settle down to a blue ring and then about 30 min. later it was tall and yellow. Now about 1.5 hrs. later the window is black again but still running and putting out heat. Also the exhaust is sooty. The tech thinks it might be a mixture problem. He does not know how to address that. Any thoughts on this challenge? Thank You very much. Don

  • #2
    M441 overhaul

    It’s not a mixture thing. There is no adjusting the mixture per say. What you need to do is completely overhaul the burner. This means a new cloth, ring and gaskets. All the air holes need to be cleaned. You should confirm the blower motor doesn’t need bearings and replace the solenoid damper “O” ring. The solenoid damper should be checked to make sure it is working. While you are at it clean the soot and carbon out of the heat exchanger. No one part of the above will make the heater work right. Everything mentioned needs to be completed in order to have your heater be reliable. If a service person does it, it will cost $400 or $500. If you are able to do it yourself it should cost $200 to $300 for parts. If you have never done it before a reliable service shop is your best bet. If you have never changed the filter on your tank or cleaned the filter on the stove I would say you are not ready to take on a complete overhaul. Without a manual you don’t have the back ground to complete the job. Get a reliable service guy over to fix your stove.

    Stay warm,


