You can buy manuals from a number of Monitor dealers. This is a fact. I have bought manuals from dealers all over the country from Petersburg VA to Thomasville MN and Fairbanks AK, not to mention EBAY. You just have to find one that is up to speed on the reality of a Monitor heater. What is a real shame is there are dealers out there that will sell you a $450 main circuit board or a blower motor but will not sell a manual that will help you make the correct decision on which part you need. One of the reasons you see so many threads about Monitor manuals is people will not use the dealer system. There are responsible dealers out there that can and will help you with what ever problem you have. There are also dealers or stove mechanics out there that don’t have a clue about a Monitor. It is unfortunate the customer has to wade through all the mess to find someone that can really help. Part of the problem is that Monitor has not policed their dealers. They have a good stove, but it does require maintenance after a while. Bottom line, find a dealer that will work with you and if that fails use EBAY for your parts and manuals. You must remember that Monitor 22’s and 41’s are very old and there may not be any electrical parts available.
Stay warm, Tom
Stay warm, Tom