When a Laser 56 heater gives off a howling noise it is easy to think the blower motor bearings are no good. Most of the time this howling is caused by a burner mat that has lifted off the bottom of the pot. The Laser 56 blower will last a very long time. You can trouble shoot the blower by determining when the noise comes about. If the blower is quiet during start up and initial warm up, but comes on when the stove goes to high or steps down to med or low, you may have a burner mat that has lifted off the pot. To repair this you will need to remove the burner and clean the mat off the bottom and install a new one. You can also use the burner coating provided by Toyotomi. Again the pot has to be clean and dry. Use about a shot glass of coating and let it cover the whole bottom of the pot. In either case let the pot dry for at least 3 or 4 hours before firing. A new mat will cost about $20.00 from your dealer.
If the blower is making noise as soon as it starts, you can expect the motor or fans are the problem.
If the blower is making noise as soon as it starts, you can expect the motor or fans are the problem.