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Cleaning fuel sump and valve


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  • Cleaning fuel sump and valve

    There are lots of Toyo's that have been in service now for many years. The amount of fuel that has been through the fuel line and filter is amazing. Even with a good filter there is some debris that gets through all the way to the sump and fuel pump. If this debris gets to the sump plunger valve, you have the chance the plunger will not seal. If this happens you can have an overflow. It's a good idea when servicing a stove that has been in service for many years to do a complete inspection and cleaning of the sump and valve. Just spraying air or WD 40 into the filter area or sump is not enough. Once that debris is dislodged it can go anywhere. You should inspect the valve and stand pipe area to be sure it is clear of any debris before reassembly. Any corrosion of the sump will mean it has to be replaced.