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monitor 422 burn mat replacement


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  • monitor 422 burn mat replacement

    I have mcmaster carr #8838k2 material-- does the mat cover the whole surface of the burner bottom or are there any cutouts? Also, do you glue the entire mat down or just the edges or what? One more,what type of glue should I use. Any help will be greatly appreciated,Thanks,Bluestom

  • #2
    burner mat

    the burner mat looks like the letter D with two slots along the straight side of the D to clear the metal trough in the pot bottom. rutland #77 adhesive is applied at the corners of the D.


    • #3
      M422 burner mat

      Monitor 422 burner mat is round and covers the whole bottom of the burner. This includes the raised area under the igniter. The M422 mat is held down by glue over the bottom of the whole pot. Only use enough to hold the mat down and not come up through the weave. Too much coming through the weave will disrupt the wicking effect of the weave. The 422 is not like the M441 or M2400 in the fact it does not have large drops of glue on the corners.

      That being said, if you have ever seen a brand new M22 or M422 burner pot the only area not covered with mat and glue is a wedge right under the fuel nozzle. Why Monitor does this I don’t know. The idea is to have the mat wick up the fuel and cover the whole area of the pot with a very thin layer which vaporizes easily. Too much raw fuel anywhere in the pot will cause a leaping yellow flame which gives off soot. Any area under the mat with no glue will also cause a leaping yellow flame and soot.

      Rutland glue does work on the burner mat. It can also be used on the screw heads and gaskets where needed. Since a Monitor heater is a positive pressure unit any gas escaping the combustion chamber will be CO. It is very important to seal all Monitor gaskets and screw heads to guard against CO gas.

      Attached Files


      • #4
        The gaskets don't need any glue. When I did a chamber rebuild on my 422 in early 02/2012 the only cuts I made to the burn mat were the "V" where the kerosene comes into the burn pot and 3 sides at the raised portion to insure the mat would lie flat and seal properly to the bottom of the pot. I had an extra (new) burn pot and that was the way the mat in it had been put in. I didn't use the new pot, I just cleaned the old one checked it for warps and cracks and put in a mat made with McMaster-Carr material and it's been working fine since.


        • #5
          Only time will tell i guess

