Because Laser 56 heaters have been around for over 25 years now, we are seeing issues with components due to age. The last L56 was built around 2015.
One of the components that is showing its age is the blower assembly. You can still get a new complete unit, or a new combustion motor. Some of the assemblies that are installed have had several motors installed. Each time the assembly has to be removed from the flue pipe. This operation can put a lot of stress on the pipe coming out of the blower assembly. Too much stress on the pipe can break it away from the body. If this happens there is a break in the exhaust side of the system, which will put exhaust into the room.
Any time you have the blower assembly out of the unit it should be inspected carefully. Take time to look at the pipe coming out to the blower. Any compromise of the pipe to blower box connection is reason to discard the whole blower assembly.
This can be a bit expensive if a new assembly is required. A new blower assembly costs around $450. It would be unethical to attempt to repair the pipe to box joint, due to the potential of CO getting into the room.

One of the components that is showing its age is the blower assembly. You can still get a new complete unit, or a new combustion motor. Some of the assemblies that are installed have had several motors installed. Each time the assembly has to be removed from the flue pipe. This operation can put a lot of stress on the pipe coming out of the blower assembly. Too much stress on the pipe can break it away from the body. If this happens there is a break in the exhaust side of the system, which will put exhaust into the room.
Any time you have the blower assembly out of the unit it should be inspected carefully. Take time to look at the pipe coming out to the blower. Any compromise of the pipe to blower box connection is reason to discard the whole blower assembly.
This can be a bit expensive if a new assembly is required. A new blower assembly costs around $450. It would be unethical to attempt to repair the pipe to box joint, due to the potential of CO getting into the room.